This is an old news but I just want to share with you about this girl from Malaysia and her name is Chye Ting Lih who used to be a top model in Malaysia.
Apparently she was getting even famoust due to her leaked sex video with her boy friend but exactly is her not still unknown because her face is not exaclty very clear in the video.
If you're wondering how an typical Malaysian girl are looked like, she is a good sample for you to look at. Of course, this kind of body and look are better than the average females in Malaysia.
In this past few years, sex scandal is becoming famous and famous. Perhaps this is due to the technology advacement. I wonder if you guys also keep something like this? Do you have your own private video?
Okay to be honest to all of you, I did make my own video but I delete immediately after I recorded it. Who dare to really keep it?
A guy friend of mine did told me he used this as "token", like collecting a "token" for his accomplishments. What the heck?
Okay, back to Chye Ting Lih. I think she is really a pretty girls and it looks "clean" too. If the girl in the video is really her, that guy is really damn lucky! :)
She looks innocent and serious too. :) At the same time, I pity on her as well. Too bad...
P/S: All photos or pictures here are owned by Chye Ting Lih
I knew her from the "Chuck" Series which was one of my favourite American TV series. In the "Chuck" series, she was acting as "Sarah Walker", a second main character in the show(I believe).
If you really just look at her face, she is not my type. But while she is on the bed with a sexy short, I change my mind. Check it out the second row of the picture about and I think that is the sexiest photos of her. What do you think?
I knew her from one of my friends and initially I thought she is a Malay. In fact, I"m 90% quite sure she is Malay but it turns out that I'm wrong. She indeed is a Japanese (Japanese mixed with French-Canadian)...
What do you think of the 3 photos of her above? Does she look like a Malay to you? But I guess it is just the make-up effect. As you can see the following picture, you can tell she is not a Malay. Perhaps Vietnamese? I think it is probably due to the curly hair that makes her looks like Malay?
If I'm going to tell you that she is a AV(Adult Video) model, do you believe it? Yes, she is really a AV model...
What I really respect and impress about her is that acting in AVs is really her hobby and she loves what she is doing. In fact, she applied for it rather than being forced...
I always think that if I were a Japanese, will I going to be AV model? Yes, I know I may not be qualified. I mean if you're qualified, will you?
Another thing that I really respect her is she is quite open to her private life unless most of the artists are very secretive about their personal life.
What really SAD is that when I read the following statement from her wikipedia profile: "When she brought several of her videos home to show her parents, they refused to watch them and told her to get out."
I know this is very difficult to accept but can't her family and friends treat this as one of the professional job? This leads to another interesting question - if your daughter one day to be AV model, can you accept it?
Anyway, don't you think porn stars or AV models are also artist or actress? I know probably millions of human are imagining you having sex with them but isn't the same thing for normal artist or singer?
I bet you guys especially the "ham sup" one (yes, I admit I'm ham sup too) are probably very horny right now and search for the adult video for Maria Ozawa. I know because I"m doing the same thing too... hahah...
Sorry, I won't post her nude photos her. If you really want it, sorry I can't help but I"m very sure you will be very creative to figure that out. Anyway, she is really pretty in my opinion and I feel it is kind of waste too sometimes. :)
Last and not least, imagine if you're a director of her? Are you the luckiest person in the world? See her real person in video below too. I"m sure you will like her...
On Mar 16 Anonymous commented on chien wei from ipoh malaysia: “I stumbled upon your blog while googling someone. Wow, beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder.…”